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Flat roof mortgages

Written By:
Myles Robinson - Expert Finance Advisor

Posted: Feb 6, 2023

Mortgages for properties with a flat roof – Lenders, rates and criteria you need to meet

Getting a mortgage may be more challenging if you buy a flat roof property.

Flat roof properties are considered ‘non-standard’, and it can be challenging to get a mortgage.

This guide will provide all the information you need for a mortgage on a flat roof property. It also explains how a mortgage broker can help you identify the suitable mortgage lenders that can help you get the financing you need.

Sometimes, a unique property can require an equally outstanding mortgage. If you are looking for a mortgage on a flat-roof home, this will require a different approach than a traditional pitched roof house.

This guide will help you understand how to get a mortgage for a flat-roof property. It also explains what to do if you have a flat roof extension and where to find a loan.

Click the link below; we provide mortgage advice free of charge and have a few mortgage providers lending a flat roof deal. No matter your personal circumstances, our mortgage brokers can help.

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What mortgage can you get for a flat-roofed house?

Although you can get a mortgage deal, the property type is not included in the standard definition. This may limit your options. Some lenders may not offer mortgages for flat roof properties. Others may have stricter eligibility criteria and higher interest rates. It is essential to seek advice from mortgage brokers who can help you navigate the process.

What is the problem with a flat roof for a mortgage?

Lenders do not accept flat roof properties because they fall under the category of ‘nonstandard construction. Unlike traditional homes made from brick and pitched roofs with tiles, flat roof properties are considered risky by lenders.

Problems with flat roof houses could include:

  • Poor insulation
  • Maintenance costs are higher
  • Water pooling
  • Debris
  • Potential for more leaks
  • Flat roof coverings have a limited life expectancy

These issues could impact the property’s ongoing saleability and thus its value.

Flat roofs can be expensive, so it is essential to maintain them. To ensure that there are no problems, make sure the roof is regularly and thoroughly inspected before you purchase. There are risks, speak with a mortgage adviser, so you understand the problem and choose to accept liability of non-standard construction.

Flat roofs have different risks than regular roofs. This additional risk can create obstacles to obtaining a mortgage. Specialist insurance, as mentioned previously, can make a difference in your ability to get a mortgage.

Click below to speak with an exclusive mortgage expert to find a good mortgage deal on a non-standard construction. We can also discuss mortgage repayments and introduce you to specialist lenders.

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Here are some common concerns that lenders and insurance companies share about flat-roof properties:

  • Repair and maintenance costs could be higher
  • Flat roofs can bend and move over time
  • The materials have a shorter life expectancy than a pitched roof.
  • It is much easier to block drains, which can cause moisture problems.
  • Water pooling could lead to damp walls, leaks or moss growth.
  • Roofs may not be as efficient for insulation.
  • The roof can be warped by heat attraction
  • Home insurance costs can be affected if criminals are not deterred.

This information can be used to your advantage when buying a property. If you’re looking to get a mortgage on a property with flat roofs, even if they’re just partial or complete extensions, make sure there are no problems and regular inspections.

Specialist finance is available; remember to have your bank statements, credit history and approximate annual income ready to meet the lender criteria.

How a mortgage broker can help with flat roof mortgages?

An expert broker will help you find the best lenders for a mortgage that covers a partial or whole roof. They will not only know which lenders you should speak to but also help you identify the best rates and save you time.

It can be challenging to apply for a mortgage on these properties because of the complex nature of the process. To proceed, you may need additional insurance or additional documentation. An experienced broker who is familiar with the process will be able to guide you through the entire application. They can even ensure that you have the right policy for your property.

A specialist broker will make the process more difficult. Even if you put in more effort, the result could be a higher interest rate. Our brokers have extensive experience in mortgages for flat roof homes and flat roof extensions.

Requirements for lender criteria eligibility

Some conditions and requirements may be more stringent than those for a typical home with a roof. It is essential to ensure that your application is high quality. These are the areas that directly affect your success chances.

  • Saving for a bigger deposit will lower your loan to value (LTV). Flat roofs are considered a higher risk, and a minimum 25% deposit will increase your chances of being approved for a loan by one of the few lenders who will be able to support you.
  • This is an important step that is often forgotten. Download all credit reports, and ask your broker to review them. They will be able to help you identify and correct any problems. This could make the difference between accepting or rejecting a mortgage for this property.
  • Lenders will also be interested in your earnings – this is the area lenders are most concerned about. It is essential to have accepted payments and show proof of annual income. While most lenders will not offer mortgages that exceed 4.5x your income level, some will provide loans up to 6x. These roofs require extra maintenance, which may impact your affordability assessment.
  • The source of your income can have an impact on a lender’s decision. This could limit your options if you are self-employed. Don’t worry; we have specialist brokers who tell you which lenders are more likely than others to accept ‘non-standard income’.

Don’t panic if you have been denied a mortgage on a property with a partial or complete flat roof, don’t panic. The brokers we work alongside can help those who were declined quickly bounce back, whether by allowing them to renegotiate their existing lender or finding a new one.

How a broker can help with this type of mortgage

This is where a broker can be of great assistance. They will know which lenders are most open to flat roof properties and can help narrow your search.

Your broker will be able to help you save time and money by not having to contact each lender individually. They will work with you through the entire process, allowing you to get the best rate.


Is it possible to get a mortgage for an extension of a flat roof?

Yes. This can be easier than if the roof is entirely flat. Some lenders limit the number of flat roofs that can be used.

Many lenders won’t approve a mortgage if the roof has a 100% flat roof. However, extensions can be a problem as they might only make up 10%, 20%, or 30% of the roof. Anything above 50% is considered a majority flat roof. This is where things may get tricky.

What lenders offer mortgages for this type of property?

Some lenders may offer mortgages but will not lend to properties with a flat roof. Other lenders may only lend to shelters clad in appropriate materials and have a guarantee, such as zinc and copper. They will also require a valuation and won’t approve the mortgage application without it being supported by the valuer.

However, if your requirements are met, you might be able to find a lender that suits you, even among the most well-known names in the market.

  • All over the country
  • Halifax (subjected to satisfactory valuation reports from the bank’s appointed value)
  • HSBC (subject to the comments of the valuer)
  • NatWest will accept roof materials such as copper, lead or zinc, asphalt, or mineralised felt. The owner must maintain maintenance or replacement programmes and have suitable insurance.

Specialist providers will be able to help you find the right mortgage for your property. Although it can be hard to know where to begin, a broker specialising in these mortgages can help you find the right lender for your situation.

Which eligibility criteria might be considered a factor?

There may be some stumbling blocks in your application. This is because your options are limited, and fewer lenders will consider your application.

These are the most important things to remember:

  • In this case, income and affordability requirements might be more stringent to accommodate the increased risk the lender takes.
  • You may receive a lower loan-to-value offer and need to make a higher deposit. This is often true for properties with non-standard construction.
  • Bad credit will have an impact on the terms that you are offered. This will decrease the number of lenders willing to consider you as a candidate for a mortgage.

However, you might need to take additional steps before getting a mortgage for a flat roof property. You will need to have the right insurance and maintain your roof. You should not have any roof damage, as this could affect your eligibility for a mortgage.

Talk to an experienced broker in mortgages for flat-roof properties

Click the link below to begin your mortgage journey for a flat roof property.

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